Favorite albums of 2012

Top 10 lists aren't as fun to read as they are to make. 2012 was a little more difficult. My machine is loaded with amazing music from 2012, but the shocking part is how much of it is from friends and acquaintances. You guys rung yourselves out this year. I feel blessed to know so many people that make better music than what is popular to the populous (also kinda sad). It was the best year for music in as long as I can remember, and I have this wack feeling that '13 will be even better.

So I do this every year for myself, but I have to share. Maybe there's something in here you guys don't know? I hope so!

1. David Maxim Micic | Bilo 2.0 2. Life and Times | No One Loves You Like I Do 3. Town Portal | Chronopoly 4. subPixel | The Wave 5. Disasterpeace | FEZ Soundtrack 6. Cory Johnson | The Legend of Zelda 7. C-jeff | Preschtale 8. Enslaved | Riitiir 9. Pajjama | Starch 10. Glass Cloud | The Royal Thousand

Honorable Martians: Cusses | Cusses Torche | Harmonicraft Fear of Dark | Motorway

Best discoveries that didn't drop in '12, but they did for ME: Chris Merritt | Songs from Brokeland (it was here, good luck finding it, or tag me. I guess he's broke. :( ) From Exile | Monolith

Two videos that blew brains out: Cusses - Worst Enemy Life and Times - Day One

3D Worldrunner, Mega Ran, and another epic collab

I've always wanted to hear a rockin' 3D Worldrunner cover, so I commissioned Amanda Lepre to do one as a part of Descendants of Erdrick's Kickstarter. It's Uematsu pre-Final Fantasy, but no one ever gives it much attention (XOC and TSS did). She ended up bringing me in to do the rhythm section, which is of course an honor! :) You can check it out on her bandcamp. I lent some guitar to Mega Ran's Language Arts Vol 3 - killer record. You can hear the track and full album here.

Finally, I just completed a song with the amazing Cory Johnson, who put out what is a contender for my favorite VGM album ever, Legend of Zelda. The collab will be on World 1-2's 10th anniversary compilation. You can check out the details and artist list here. Can't wait to release this one! It's one of my favs, and it's an arrangement I've always wanted to tackle.

Until next time!

Dude behind "For Catherine" (that movie I scored) is making a new film, LOVE LETTER

I scored an indie film about 8 years ago. The brain behind For Catherine (said film) is making a new movie with a bunch of talented cats called LOVE LETTER. If you like your laughs with a side of blood and brilliance (those are all interchangeable), let's help them get it made!!! I hope to fit a song in there somewhere. I will kill someone to make that happen. LOVE LETTER - KICKSTARTER

Be sure to watch the Q&A.